The latest poll from the UW-Madison Elections Research Center shows Joe Biden with an edge on Donald Trump among likely Wisconsin voters.

The race is largely unchanged among registered voters compared to the last poll in August. But it has tightened among likely voters.

The new poll found 50 percent of likely voters backed Biden this month, while 46 percent supported Trump. That is inside the margin of error.

Last month, the spread was 52-44 in Biden’s favor.

The latest poll also had 49 percent of registered voters backing Biden, while 44 percent supported Trump. The split in the last poll was 49-43 among registered voters in Biden’s favor.

The latest poll also found:

*44 percent of registered voters approve of Trump’s job performance, while 54 percent disapprove;
*his approval split on the economy was 47-50;
*and on the protests it was 45-55.

Fifty-nine percent of those supporting Biden said they’ve been contacted by a political organization or a campaign, while 70 percent of Trump voters said they have.

Sixty percent of likely voters said they’ve been contacted by both parties; 21 percent contacted only by Republican campaigns or groups; and 19 percent only by Dem campaigns or groups.

Meanwhile, Gov. Tony Evers’ job approval rating was 48-48, compared to 53-48 last month.

The poll, done in partnership with the Wisconsin State Journal, was conducted by YouGov, which does online polling with respondents selected from the firm’s opt-in panel. The sample was weighted for gender, age, race and education. The same of registered voters included 800 respondents with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.21 percentage points. The margin of error for questions of the 664 likely voters surveyed was plus or minus 4.46 percentage points.

The same respondents who participated in the poll that was conducted July 27-Aug. 6 were reinterviewed for the latest survey, conducted Sept. 10-21.

See the release:

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