While Gov. Tony Evers acknowledged his biggest priorities might be tough lifts to implement, he pledged to supporters Monday night he would “stay the course.”

Speaking at his inauguration gala at Monona Terrace in Madison, Evers also highlighted the need to share his budget priorities with the people of Wisconsin, saying “they have to own it as much as we are.”

“This is a great night, but we have so much work ahead of us,” he said.

Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, meanwhile, touted the Dems’ victory as he took the stage, saying although people thought Scott Walker wasn’t beatable, “we proved them wrong.”

While Barnes said there were “hostile leaders” in the Legislature, he told the crowd: “We’re not going to boo. We’re not going to hiss. What we’re going to do is we’re going to organize.”

He continued by highlighting his and Evers’ “positive vision” of the state, which includes prioritizing kids, fully funding public schools and more.

“It is a new year and a new day for the state of Wisconsin,” he said.

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who introduced Barnes, praised the statewide elected officials as a team committed to “the common good,” health care, protecting clean air and water, and the future of the state’s children.

“We have leaders, new leaders, with new energy, committed to ending the divisiveness in this state, bringing people together and moving this state forward,” the Madison Dem said.

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