Contact: Brad Bainum, [email protected]

MADISON — Beyond the bluster and empty rhetoric, “struggling Senate candidate” Leah Vukmir has for months been quite open about her plans to gut coverage protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.

Ahead of President Donald Trump’s Wednesday campaign trip to Wisconsin to boost Vukmir, it’s worth remembering that Vukmir has for months brazenly bragged about being the deciding vote to advance President Trump and Washington Republicans’ dangerous health care repeal agenda that would gut protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions and impose an age tax that would let insurance companies charge older Americans more for coverage

Here’s a brief look at Vukmir — in her own words — on being the key Republican vote in the U.S. Senate to pass plans that would gut protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing health conditions:

“Obamacare needs to be repealed.” —Leah Vukmir [The Vicki McKenna Show, 12/21/17]

“I’m gonna fight like heck to beat Tammy Baldwin, so that I can be that extra voice in the Senate. So, when a proposal does get passed over from the House, it doesn’t fall short in the Senate like it did.” —Leah Vukmir [The Steve Scaffidi Show, 10/16/18]

“We’re going to be that reinforcement that’s needed in the United States Senate, so that Vice President Pence doesn’t have to be that tie-breaker.” —Leah Vukmir [UW-Whitewater College Republicans event, 10/17/18]

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