Contact: Austin Altenburg
[email protected]

[Madison, Wis.] – The Walker campaign released a new ad called, “Tony’s Pain at the Pump” Tuesday featuring Scott Walker on screens at gas pumps across Wisconsin to spotlight Tony Evers’ plans to increase the gas tax and the negative impact it would have on hard-working families. While “everything is on the table” for Evers when it comes to raising taxes – including property, income and gas taxes – Scott Walker plans to continue cutting taxes and moving Wisconsin forward.

Read more from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel here or find excerpts below:

Scott Walker’s new ad hitting Tony Evers on the gas tax is running on screens mounted at service station pumps, not TV
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
By Patrick Marley

Gov. Scott Walker is making his pitch to voters as they fill up their tanks.

His newest ad isn’t on TV but can be seen on screens mounted on gas pumps across the state. In it, the GOP governor tells viewers his Democratic opponent, state schools Superintendent Tony Evers, is willing to raise the gas tax.

“I’ll lower taxes and keep fighting for you,” Walker says in the ad.

Walker has focused on the gas tax – along with other taxes – for months. By running his latest spot at the pump, he will invariably reach voters at a time when they are thinking about gas prices. …

As he has at other times, Walker argues Evers would raise the gas tax by as much as $1 a gallon. That would quadruple the existing tax of 32.9 cents. …

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