Madison College Truax Main Campus

1701 Wright St.

Madison WI 53704

Wisconsin League of Women Voters issues briefing

Register online HERE.
Download a printable registration form HERE.

8:30 Doors Open
9:00 Welcome and Introductions
9:10  Keynote Speaker – Attorney Glorily A. López on Current Issues on Immigration
10:15 Morning Breakout Sessions

  • Update on WI Gerrymandering Lawsuit – Professor David Canon, UW-Madison
  • Diversifying League Membership and Services
  • Voter Services: Projects for the 2018 Elections

11:30 Lunch with Featured Speaker on Poverty

12:50 Afternoon Breakout Sessions

  • Overview of Critical Water Issues in Wisconsin – Rebecca Power, UW-Extension
  • League Transformation: Preparing the League for Its Second Century
  • New Members and New Leagues around Wisconsin

2:00 Summary and Next Steps – Dialogue with State LWV Board and Staff
2:30 Adjourn

Park in the Madison College Visitor Parking Lot located between Hoffman St (to the West) and Wright St (to the East). Enter the main Truax Building on Wright Street. Once inside, follow the signs to the conference room.

If you would like to make arrangements to stay Friday and/or Saturday in Madison, you can reserve a room at the following nearby hotels. These are recommendations. Group rates are not available.

Crowne Plaza, 4402 E Washington Ave, ph: 608-244-4703

Comfort Inn & Suites, 4822 E Washington Ave, ph.

608-244-6265 Best Western East Towne Suites, 4801 Annamark Dr, ph. 608-244-2020

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